فارسی عربي

Short cut festival awards Iranian photographer

Short cut short film festival in Serbia awards Iranian photographer Hamed Asgharzadeh.

The 6th Short cut short film festival in Serbia has awarded Iranian photographer Hamed Asgharzadeh-Morghmaleki.

Asgharzadeh-Morghmaleki’s photo ‘Nomadic life’ won the first place in the photo contest “Objective (S)”.

The international festival of short movies “Short cut” is organized by Media affirmation association “MAT”, a non-governmental and non-profit voluntary association.

The festival screens short films under 15 minutes.

 “The festival was held on September 2. Movies shown at the festival are short feature movies, animated and documentary movies,” an online submission platform reads.

“The festival is open not only for the movies made by native authors, but also for the authors from all over the world,” it adds.

The festival also includes an exhibition of photographs “Objective(s)” which is of a competitive nature.

The exhibition was held on August 27-September 2, 2021.

